Radish Greens Furikake

A no-waste, veggie forward take on the classic Japanese rice sprinkle.

After making my dongchimi, I didn’t want to let the bushy radish greens go to waste! I dried them in my windowsill and used them to make this furikake, a favorite condiment of mine that I use to sprinkle on rice and oatmeal on the regular.

Makes about 2/3 cup



Radish greens from one bunch Korean radish
2 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tbsp salt


Remove radish greens from radishs, and arrange on a tray, bamboo steamer, or wooden basket to dry. Near a window or some place with good air circulation is best; discard if mold forms.

Once fully dried, remove the tender leaves from the main woody stems, and add to a food processor or blender. Pulse on high until a fine sprinkle is formed.

Mix with sesame seeds, sugar and salt. Store in an airtight container, and sprinkle on rice or oatmeal as disred.